Detox Tea

I don’t just sell the DETOX TEA ... I’M ALSO A CLIENT call 313 996 9919 and I guarantee you this will be the best call you ever make start releasing those toxins and backup poop today ...Place your order for your DETOX TEA TODAY all orders made fresh #bragg2inspirehealth

Detox Tea

D E T O X  T E A ————————



FRESH MADE DETOX TEA  with LEMON 🍵  RESTORE BALANCE provides the whole body with the nutrients it needs to restore its balance to a natural, healthy state. purifies your body by cleansing out toxins, impurities, and help rid your body of other unwanted harmful poisons and residues that are found in foods these days. Regular use of this remarkable herbal tea blend has been found to impart many health benefits, including achieving optimum health and ideal body weight as well as better digestion, increased energy, and improved concentration For Optimum Health #bragg2inspirehealth

Real sSpill

Here's a thought that runs through my brain every few years or so in real life. "Let me find out that I am smiling around suckas and don't know it". Staying sucka free has always been a great practice. Men don't think about men. They simply work together for common reasons or not. The "or not" is the other part of the blessing.

Random Love

Can love be faked really? Or does actions make us feel a certain way. U know good deeds can come from rotten people that don't have love behind their actions as well. Where