Keep it Cool (RPI) Random Positive Information

Everyone doesn't live by the same code of silence or respect, nor have they learned the lesson from toxic people and experiences.Yet, all of that is another reason for being patient with people that you don't want to physically hurt. Some humans come from terrible families and some are just terrible at heart. The reality of jail is real though. So even if hell is fiction to you. Jail on Earth is a close enough place to have a reason to keep a cool head. is dedicated to informing and sharing the works of Independent Artists and sharing Random Positive Information (RPI) with the intent to inspire productivity.

About Us

We are a website dedicated to finding and sharing independent artists to the rest of the world digitally. On top of that we are also scavenging for the tool, tip and tricks and other resources.

I Make Beats Tee's (T Shirts)

(IOi)Indie Over industry INDIE Over industry speaks to the independent mindset of doing business and is also one of the many mottos of It's the independent "choice" over the Industry way of "control". We recognize the control over what gets seen

You're laughing and I'm serious

What technologies do you use? Specifically for productive purposes. What do I mean?

What technologies do you use? Specifically for productive purposes. What do I mean?