Get Your RPI's in Random Positive Information

Get Your RPI's in Random Positive Information

  1. No one born blind ever developed Schizophrenia.
  2. People who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, honest and up-front with friends.
  3. The person who tries to make people happy ends up lonely.
  4. Eye Contact – If someone makes eye contact with you for 60% of a conversation they’re bored, 80% and they’re attracted to you and 100% of the time then they are threatening you.
  5. Nonsense – We can udnretsnad any msseed up stnecene as lnog as the lsat and frsit lteerts of wdros are in crrcoet palecs
  6. Trypanophobia – Fear of injection
  7. Happy Sun – People who spend more time in the sun are likely to be happier.
  8. A) Lee–Boot Effect: consists of a punctual slowing or disappearance of estrous cycle ((the menstrual cycle in animals)) when living together
  9. B ) Whitten Effect: women’s menstrual cycles are synchronized when they are very close for a continuous period of time. That is, if you live with a woman or spend much time with one, it’s likely that your ovulation will occur almost simultaneously.
  10. C) Vandenbergh Effect: puberty or adolescence is brought on sooner when females live with males. is dedicated to informing and sharing the works of Independent Artists and sharing Random Positive Information (RPI) with the intent to inspire productivity.

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We are a website dedicated to finding and sharing independent artists to the rest of the world digitally. On top of that we are also scavenging for the tool, tip and tricks and other resources.

I Make Beats Tee's (T Shirts)

(IOi)Indie Over industry INDIE Over industry speaks to the independent mindset of doing business and is also one of the many mottos of It's the independent "choice" over the Industry way of "control". We recognize the control over what gets seen

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