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Get Your RPI's in Random Positive Information

  1. No one born blind ever developed Schizophrenia.
  2. People who swear a lot tend to be more loyal, honest and up-front with friends.
  3. The person who tries to make people happy ends up lonely.
  4. Eye Contact – If someone makes eye contact with you for 60% of a conversation they’re bored, 80% and they’re attracted to you and 100% of the time then they are threatening you.
  5. Nonsense – We can udnretsnad any msseed up stnecene as lnog as the lsat and frsit lteerts of wdros are in crrcoet palecs
  6. Trypanophobia – Fear of injection
  7. Happy Sun – People who spend more time in the sun are likely to be happier.
  8. A) Lee–Boot Effect: consists of a punctual slowing or disappearance of estrous cycle ((the menstrual cycle in animals)) when living together
  9. B ) Whitten Effect: women’s menstrual cycles are synchronized when they are very close for a continuous period of time. That is, if you live with a woman or spend much time with one, it’s likely that your ovulation will occur almost simultaneously.
  10. C) Vandenbergh Effect: puberty or adolescence is brought on sooner when females live with males.